Worthy is the Lamb
This passage paints a glorious picture of God on his throne, surrounded by other-worldly creatures responding in worship. God’s kingship should also touch every facet …

Pelham Associate Campus Minister
Since the beginning of humanity, evil forces have been at work, and God’s people have suffered persecution and corruption. Yet the Church endures—nothing can extinguish its light. And a day is coming when God’s plan will come to fruition. Jesus will return and deal with all sin and brokenness for good. As we explore the book of Revelation, we cast our eyes to King Jesus, who has the power to triumph over evil and usher in a Kingdom of everlasting peace and glory.
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This passage paints a glorious picture of God on his throne, surrounded by other-worldly creatures responding in worship. God’s kingship should also touch every facet …
Pelham Associate Campus Minister
The church at Laodicea lacks self-awareness. They believe they are in a good position, but Jesus is clear that they are worthy of pity. In …
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
In this passage, Jesus describes himself as a thief and as one who holds the key of authority. Whether he is a threat or a …
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Jesus’ message to the believers at Thyatira holds both comfort and a challenge. He sees their love for one another and spiritual growth, yet they …
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
For Giving Tuesday, Scott and Whitney sat down in the studio to expand on the idea of generosity and how God designed us to be …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
This year, as I studied a section of the Stewarding Strength study, I was reminded of the gift of being able to rest and reorient …
While most Christians would never say that God is not good, many of us battle this lie, especially when we face unexplained suffering. When a …
"We've continued to carve out time in our day or in our week just to commune with God, to allow space and time for us …
In this episode, Scott and Whitney sit down with Matt and Ashley Gaymon who are members at our Pelham campus, lead high school student groups, …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
"For the last six years, there has been some degree of pain every day. God has really used that to turn me to him, and …
After wrapping up our teaching series on Self Made, we sat down with series co-creators Haley Barinowski, Scofield Foster, and Blake Payne to ask some …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
In this two-part series, our friends Bernard Kabaru Mwangi and Ryan Burns join Scott Mozingo in the studio to discuss our 13-year partnership in Kenya, …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
"What actually matters? Who am I to say when my heart will stop beating? So for me to live for marriage, or for a job, …
“In our difficult times is when we grow, reach out to God, and cry out to God. And that’s what he wants. He is our …
Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director